2025 French Pentecost Course

Course Date: 06/06/2025

Pentecost Course

Open to everybody our French Summer School runs from the 6th – 9th June.  Headed by the Technical Director this course is usually well attended with varied content and lots of friendly students and instructors attending so you will be catered for whatever your ability.

Venue : Gymnase Des 11 Arpents – 5 avenue Général de Gaulle, 37550 Saint-Avertin

Gymnase Chateau-Fraisier – rue de Verdun ,37550 Saint-Avertin

Accommodation : local hotels (local members will drive you to the hall) – there is normally a possibility of staying with local TAO members

Refreshments : tea & coffee will be available at break times but please remember to bring your own packed lunch

Evening meal : some members like to meet for an evening meal at a local restaurant.

Please ensure to put your name down on the list when you sign in if you would like to go.

If you need any more information please contact Anne