TAO Erfolge bei der NRW-Landesmeisterschaft

By Leonie Böffinger on Mittwoch, April 24th, 2024 in .Uncategorised.

Am 13.04.24 fand die NRW-Landesmeisterschaft in Hinsbeck statt. Die TAO Bonn konnte in diesem Jahr leider nur mit drei Startern antreten. Aber immerhin – 3 Starter, 3 Medaillen! Leon Klemm startete in der U12 und konnte seinen Silbermedaillen-Erfolg aus dem letzten Jahr wiederholen. Auf seinem zweiten Wettkampf musste er sich in seinem ersten Kampf einem […]

(English) Happy Day – Tao Yin respiration exercise

By Sally Grinhey on Sonntag, August 23rd, 2020 in .

Leider ist der Eintrag nur auf English verfügbar. For anybody wishing to improve their breathing / digestion in these COVID-ridden times here is one of our Tao Yin respiration exercises.  As you will see it’s also good for your shoulders, neck and back – Enjoy !   Clink on the image to enlarge

(English) New TAO 25th Anniversary T-Shirt

By Sally Grinhey on Sonntag, Mai 17th, 2020 in .

Leider ist der Eintrag nur auf English verfügbar. 2020 is the 25th anniversary of the formation of the TAO. To celebrate we have designed a special edition version of our training T-shirts which will be available for distribution once we can train together again. Available in all sizes. Red t-shirts will cost £12 and black […]

(English) Tao Yin Breathing Exercise

By Gareth on Sonntag, März 22nd, 2020 in .

Leider ist der Eintrag nur auf English verfügbar. This Tao Yin breathing exercise allows the lungs to be exercised properly. It helps elasticity of alveoli (air sacs) and supporting tissues. Chinese Medicine would indicate this can help maintain elasticity and dry out excess fluid. This can prepare the lungs for colds, flu and corona viruses […]

Results : Europa 2018 – Men

By Sally Grinhey on Mittwoch, August 7th, 2019 in .

See how our men got on in this prestigious European competition

Results : Europa 2018 – Women

By Sally Grinhey on Mittwoch, August 7th, 2019 in .

See how our women got on at this prestigious European competition

Results : BCCMA National Championships – July 2018

By Sally Grinhey on Mittwoch, August 7th, 2019 in .

See how we got on at this year’s National Championships